1Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances , Donald Quicke L.J.
Deals with all aspects of adaptive resemblance Full colour Covers everything from classic examples of Batesian, Mullerian, aggressive and sexual mimicries through to human behavioural and microbial… 7335.57 руб электронная книга2Dear Me (аудиокнига на 2 кассетах) , Peter Ustinov (1996)
Sir Peter Ustinov's beautifully crafted autobiography is told with exquisite wit and insight. From his birth in April 1921, it spans his extraordinary career as actor, playwright, film star and… 386.7 руб3Child Actors on the London Stage, circa 1600: Their Education, Recruitment and Theatrical Success , Ackroyd Julie (2017)
A legal document dated 1600 for a Star Chamber case titled Clifton vs. Robinson details how boys were abducted from London streets and forcibly held in order to train them as actors for the… 7159 руб4Violin For Dummies , Katharine Rapoport
The beginner's guide to learning the violin– for any musical style Violin For Dummies helps you teach yourself to play the violin, even if you've never read a note of music. From choosing the right… 1625.34 руб электронная книга