Of right

  • 51Right Here — Right Here, Right Now (песня из «Классного Мюзикла») «Right Here, Right Now» Сингл Зак Эфрон и Ванесса Хадженс c альбома «Классный мюзикл …


  • 52right to counsel — noun assistance of counsel, guaranty to be represented, right of representation, right to consult an attorney, right to legal assistance, Sixth Amendment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 right to counsel …

    Law dictionary

  • 53right to privacy — right to privacy: right of privacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. right to privacy …

    Law dictionary

  • 54Right Here, Right Now (песня из «Классного Мюзикла») — «Right Here, Right Now» …


  • 55right´-hand´ed|ness — right hand|ed «RYT HAN dihd», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. using the right hand more easily and readily than the left: »So Uncle Bob started early to convert a naturally right handed boy into a southpaw (Time). 2. done with the right hand. 3. made …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 56right´-hand´ed|ly — right hand|ed «RYT HAN dihd», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. using the right hand more easily and readily than the left: »So Uncle Bob started early to convert a naturally right handed boy into a southpaw (Time). 2. done with the right hand. 3. made …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 57right-hand|ed — «RYT HAN dihd», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. using the right hand more easily and readily than the left: »So Uncle Bob started early to convert a naturally right handed boy into a southpaw (Time). 2. done with the right hand. 3. made to be used… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 58Right border of heart — Sternocostal surface of heart. (Right margin visible but not labeled.) Latin margo dexter cordis Gray s …


  • 59right of first refusal — right of first re·fus·al / ri fyü zəl/: the right to have the first opportunity to purchase property upon the owner s decision to sell at the same terms offered by a third party or at predetermined terms – called also preemptive right; Merriam… …

    Law dictionary

  • 60Right There — Nicole Scherzinger feat. 50 Cent Veröffentlichung 17. Mai 2011 Länge 4:22 Genre(s) Pop Autor(en) James Scheffer …

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