be of use to

  • 21Use Your Illusion I — Álbum de Guns N Roses Publicación 17 de septiembre de 1991 Grabación 1990 1991 en A M Studios, Record Plant, Studio 56 e Image Recording, Hollywood, California; Conway Studios, Los Ángeles …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 22use one's head — or {slang}[use one s bean] or {slang}[use one s noodle] or {slang} use[one s noggin] {v. phr.} To use your brain or mind; think; have common sense. Often used as a command. * /If you used your bean you wouldn t be in trouble now./ * /Never point… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 23use one's head — or {slang}[use one s bean] or {slang}[use one s noodle] or {slang} use[one s noggin] {v. phr.} To use your brain or mind; think; have common sense. Often used as a command. * /If you used your bean you wouldn t be in trouble now./ * /Never point… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 24usé — usé, ée (u zé, zée) part. passé d user. 1°   Qui a subi détérioration, diminution par l usage, par le frottement. Sur cette pierre usée un lugubre flambeau Semble de son feu pâle éclairer un tombeau, M. J. CHÉN., Fénelon, II, 3 De quel éclat… …

    Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • 25Use case survey — is a list of names and perhaps brief descriptions of use cases associated with a system, component, or other logical or physical entity. This artifact is short and inexpensive to produce early in the analysis or envisioning stages of a software… …


  • 26use - used - used to — ◊ use If you use something, you do something with it in order to achieve a particular result. They used the money to buy foreign technology. You can use a cheque. It is better not to use a knife. The …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 27Use — Use, v. i. 1. To be wont or accustomed; to be in the habit or practice; as, he used to ride daily; now disused in the present tense, perhaps because of the similarity in sound, between use to, and used to. [1913 Webster] They use to place him… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 28Use Your Illusion (disambiguation) — Use Your Illusion can refer to: * Use Your Illusion I , a multi platinum album by the American hard rock band Guns N Roses. * Use Your Illusion II , a multi platinum album by the American hard rock band Guns N Roses. ** Use Your Illusion Tour , a …


  • 29Use Your Illusion II — Álbum de Guns N Roses Publicación 17 de septiembre de 1991 Grabación 1990 1991 en A M Studios, Record Plant, Studio 56 e Image Recording, Hollywood, California; Conway Studios, Los Ángeles …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 30Use of Weapons —   …
