be of use to

  • 61Use of Wealth —     Use of Wealth     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Use of Wealth     The term wealth is not used here in the technical sense in which it occurs in treatises on economic subjects, but rather in its common acceptation, synonymous with riches. The… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 62use value — n: value of property based on its use rather than on the market use value of agricultural land Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …

    Law dictionary

  • 63use your loaf — british informal old fashioned phrase to think carefully about something Thesaurus: to think carefully or a lot about thingssynonym Main entry: loaf * * * use your ˈhead idiom (BrE also …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 64use´ful|ness — use|ful «YOOS fuhl», adjective. 1. of use; helpful: »a useful suggestion. She made herself useful about the house. 2. giving or able to give service; serviceable; usable: »an old but still useful pair of shoes. –use´ful|ly, adverb …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 65use´ful|ly — use|ful «YOOS fuhl», adjective. 1. of use; helpful: »a useful suggestion. She made herself useful about the house. 2. giving or able to give service; serviceable; usable: »an old but still useful pair of shoes. –use´ful|ly, adverb …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 66use|ful — «YOOS fuhl», adjective. 1. of use; helpful: »a useful suggestion. She made herself useful about the house. 2. giving or able to give service; serviceable; usable: »an old but still useful pair of shoes. –use´ful|ly, adverb …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 67use´less|ness — use|less «YOOS lihs», adjective. of no use; worthless: »a useless person, a useless effort. A television set would be useless without electricity. –use´less|ly, adverb. –use´less|ness, noun. Synonym Study Useless, ineffectual mean having or being …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 68use´less|ly — use|less «YOOS lihs», adjective. of no use; worthless: »a useless person, a useless effort. A television set would be useless without electricity. –use´less|ly, adverb. –use´less|ness, noun. Synonym Study Useless, ineffectual mean having or being …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 69use|less — «YOOS lihs», adjective. of no use; worthless: »a useless person, a useless effort. A television set would be useless without electricity. –use´less|ly, adverb. –use´less|ness, noun. Synonym Study Useless, ineffectual mean having or being of no… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 70Use your brain — Álbum de Clawfinger Publicación 1995 Género(s) Crossover Duración 44:29 Discográfica WEA/MVG …

    Wikipedia Español