be situated

  • 101equatorial — Situated, like the earth s equator, equidistant from each end. * * * equa·to·ri·al .ē kwə tōr ē əl, .ek wə , tȯr adj 1) of, located at, or relating to an equator <equatorial diameter> 2) extending in a direction essentially in the plane of …

    Medical dictionary

  • 102peristrumous — Situated about or near a goiter. [peri + L. struma, goiter] * * * peri·stru·mous (per″e strooґməs) around or near a goiter …

    Medical dictionary

  • 103subterminal — Situated near the end or extremity of an oval or rod shaped body. * * * sub·ter·mi·nal (səb turґmĭn əl) near an end or extremity …

    Medical dictionary

  • 104Mayfield Road, Edinburgh — Situated 2 miles (3.2 km) south of Edinburgh s city centre, Mayfield Road is a minor arterial route stretching around 1 mile (1.6 km) from Ratcliffe Terrace in the north to Braefoot Terrace in the south. Intersecting 26 streets and primarily… …


  • 105Forêt de Soignes/Zoniënwoud —    Situated southeast of Brussels, the Forêt de Soignes lies beyond the Bois de la Cambre. Dubbed the lungs of Brussels and comprising a rolling woodland of 80 percent beech and 20 percent oak and conifer trees, the forest extends approximately 4 …

    Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • 106Ganshoren/Ganshoren —    Situated at the foot of the Koekelberg hill, Ganshoren ( marshland of the goose ) was first mentioned in 1112. The commune was never included within the cuve of Brussels. In 1659, it was joined with several other villages, including Jette,… …

    Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • 107Petit Sablon, Place du/Kleine Zavelplein —    Situated on the site of the former cemetery of the Saint Jean hospital, the place du Petit Sablon was designed by Henri Beyaert and opened to the public in 1890. The small park is noteworthy for its integration of natural elements flowerbeds… …

    Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • 108The Peltry —    Situated apparently in that part of Cheap in which the skinners had their shops and selds, 1280 and 1273 4 (Ct. H.W. I. 47 and 18). From Latin peletria = peltry = skins.    No later reference …

    Dictionary of London

  • 109Tower of London —    Situated at the eastern extremity of the City of London on the north bank of the Thames on Tower Hill (S. 45, and Bayley, ed. 1821, I. p. 1), on the confines of Middlesex and Essex, 1315 (Cal. P.R. 1313 17, p.314).    The most celebrated… …

    Dictionary of London

  • 110Kamakhya —    Situated near the top of Nilachal Hill in Guwa hati, overlooking the majestic Brahmaputra River, Kamakhya Temple is a famous pilgrimage site. It is the most important of the SHAKTI PITHAS, or centers of devotion for the GODDESS. According to… …

    Encyclopedia of Hinduism