
  • 41Un appartement a Paris , Musso Guillaume (2018)
    Paris, un atelier d`artiste au fond d`une all&233;e verdoyante. Madeline, une ex-flic londonienne, y est venue pour panser ses blessures. Gaspard, un auteur misanthrope, l`a lou&233; pour&233;crire… 1677 грн (только Украина)

  • 42Sport in Soviet Porcelain, Graphic Arts, and Sculpture (2018)
    St. Petersburg: Rus muz, 2018. The Russian Museum has taken a cue from the venue of this year's World Cup to create a broad exhibition of 350 works from its collection, the Hermitage, and private… 3130 руб

  • 43Les D&# 233;ferlantes , Gallay C.
    C'est&# 224; La Hague - un bout du monde&# 224; la pointe du Cotentin - que la narratrice est venue se r&# 233;fugier. Elle arpente les landes, observe les oiseaux migrateurs... et Lambert, homme… 1083 руб

  • 44Un appartement а Paris , Musso Guillaume (2018)
    Paris, un atelier d'artiste au fond d'une allee verdoyante. Madeline, une ex-flic londonienne, y est venue pour panser ses blessures. Gaspard, un auteur misanthrope, l'a loue pour ecrire dans la… 1323 руб

  • 45Бизнес в стиле шоу. Маркетинг в культуре впечатлений _ There s no business that s not show business. Marketing in an experience culture , Бернд Шмитт, Дэвид Роджерс, Карен Вроцос / Bernd Schmitt, David L. Rogers, Karen Vrotsos (2005)
    400 стр. Попрощайтесь с бизнесом как у всех ! Книга Бизнес в стиле шоу рассказывает о том, как использовать… 278 грн (только Украина)

  • 46Sport in Soviet Porcelain, Graphic Arts, and Sculpture (2018)
    St. Petersburg: Rus muz, 2018. The Russian Museum has taken a cue from the venue of this year`s World Cup to create a broad exhibition of 350 works from its collection, the Hermitage, and private… 2195 грн (только Украина)

  • 47Standard Electroencephalography in Clinical Psychiatry. A Practical Handbook , Silvana Galderisi
    This book provides a concise overview of the possible clinical applications of standard EEG in clinical psychiatry. After a short history, the book describes the physiologic basis of the EEG signal… 5401.5 руб электронная книга

  • 48Outback Angel , Margaret Way
    With her stunning Latin looks, Angelica De Campo was beautiful enough to live up to her nickname of Angel.But Jake McCord, Australia's most eligible bachelor, couldn't decide if his newest employee… 304.76 руб электронная книга

  • 49MAI , Abramovic Marina (2014)
    This volume, published in conjunction with the opening of the MAI - Marina Abramovic Institute for the Preservation of Performance Art - the only venue of its kind for the conservation, production… 3337 руб

  • 50Leonardo da Vinci. A life in drawing , Clayton Martin (2018)
    Drawing was Leonardo da Vinci's primary artistic activity. He used drawing to think, to explore the world around him and to develop his other artistic projects. His drawings are among the most… 2451 руб