- fordømme
- for|døm|mevb., -r, fordømte, fordømt; fordømme handlingen
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
History of the Icelandic language — The history of the Icelandic language began in the 9th century with the settlement of Iceland when settlers, who mostly came from Norway, brought a dialect of Old Norse to the island.The oldest preserved texts in Icelandic were written around… … Wikipedia
History of Icelandic — A page from the Landnámabók The history of the Icelandic language began in the 9th century with the settlement of Iceland, mostly by Norwegians, brought a dialect of Old Norse to the island. The oldest preserved texts in Icelandic were written… … Wikipedia
Boheme — 1. Opera af Puccini, komponeret i 1896. Handlingen udspiller sig i Paris omkring 1830. 2. Person eller kreds, der lever uhæmmet af borgerlige vedtægter og fordomme … Danske encyklopædi
Reprobation — Det at fordømme, misbillige, afsky, vrage … Danske encyklopædi
verdammen — Vsw std. (9. Jh.), mhd. verdammen, verdam(p)nen, ahd. firdamnon Hybridbildung. Entlehnt aus l. damnāre verurteilen (zu l. damnum Buße, Verlust ), eingeengt auf die christliche Bedeutung. Die Vorsilbe vermutlich nach dem bedeutungsähnlichen ahd.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
fordom — for|dom sb., men, me, mene; få bekræftet sine fordomme … Dansk ordbog