- pilates
- pi|la|tessb. (en motionsform)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Pilates — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El método Pilates, o simplemente Pilates, es un sistema de entrenamiento físico y mental creado a principios del siglo XX por el alemán Joseph Hubertus Pilates, quien lo ideó basándose en su conocimiento de distintas … Wikipedia Español
Pilates — Pilates, auch Pilates Methode genannt, ist ein systematisches Ganzkörpertraining zur Kräftigung der Muskulatur, primär der Beckenboden , Bauch und Rückenmuskulatur. Das Pilatestraining kann auf der Matte und an speziell entwickelten Geräten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pilates — c.1980, physical fitness regimen developed c.1920 by German born physical fitness teacher Joseph Pilates (1883 1967) … Etymology dictionary
pilates — s. m. 2 núm. [Esporte] Método de exercício físico que visa desenvolver a força e a flexibilidade musculares e estimular o equilíbrio entre a mente e o corpo, através da execução de movimentos controlados, coordenados e precisos. ‣ Etimologia:… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
pilates — pilátes m DEFINICIJA jedna od novih metoda tjelovježbe koja se izvodi uz pomoć posebne opreme, učinkovito djeluje na jačanje muskulature i opće kondicije (osmislili su je Joseph i Clara Pilates) … Hrvatski jezični portal
Pilates — This article is about the physical fitness system. For its inventor, see Joseph Pilates. For the Roman governor, see Pontius Pilate. For the similar word, see Pilatus (disambiguation). Pilates (English pronunciation: /pɨˈlɑːtiːz/, German … Wikipedia
Pilates — La méthode Pilates, parfois simplement appelée Pilates, est un système d exercice physique développé dans le début du XXe siècle par Joseph Pilates. Il écrivit deux livres sur sa méthode : Return to Life through Contrology et Your… … Wikipédia en Français
pilates — {{#}}{{LM P46477}}{{〓}} {{[}}pilates{{]}} ‹pi·la·tes› {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Tipo de gimnasia basada en la realización de ejercicios suaves, especialmente indicada para fortalecer y estirar los músculos sin aumentar su volumen: • La respiración y la… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Pilates — [[t]pɪlɑ͟ːtiz[/t]] N UNCOUNT Pilates is a type of exercise that is similar to yoga. She d never done Pilates before … English dictionary
Pilates — n. family name; form of physical fitness exercise (that involves controlled movements, stretching and breathing) created by Joseph Pilates, Pilates Method … English contemporary dictionary
Pilates — /pəˈlatiz/ (say puh lahteez) noun a fitness regimen that introduces comprehensive stretching and strengthening movements into an exercise routine. Also, Pilates method. {named after Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercises as a German national …