
sb., -en, -e, -ne

Dansk ordbog. 2015.

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  • researcher — re‧search‧er [rɪˈsɜːtʆə ǁ ˈsɜːrtʆər] noun [countable] JOBS a person whose job is to study a particular subject to find out new things about it * * * researcher UK US /rɪˈsɜːtʃər/ noun [C] ► someone whose job is to study a subject carefully,… …   Financial and business terms

  • Researcher — Re*search er ( [ e]r), n. One who conducts research. In the field of scientific research, also called an {investigator} or {scientist}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • researcher — [n] research worker analyst, analyzer, clinician, experimenter, investigator, scientist, tester; concepts 348,357 …   New thesaurus

  • Researcher — Usually, a researcher or scientific researcher is someone who is professionally engaged in scientific research, technological research or engineering research.There are academic, industrial and government or private institution researchers. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Researcher — Re|sear|cher 〈[ rısœ:tʃə(r)] m. 3; Soziol.〉 Meinungsforscher, Marktforscher [<engl. research „Forschung, Untersuchung“] * * * Re|sear|cher [rɪ sə:t̮ʃɐ ], der; s, [engl. researcher] (Soziol.): jmd., der für die Markt u. Meinungsforschung… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • researcher — n. an independent researcher * * * [rɪ sɜːtʃə] an independent researcher …   Combinatory dictionary

  • researcher — UK [rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃə(r)] / UK [ˈriːsɜː(r)tʃə(r)] / US [rɪˈsɜrtʃər] / US [ˈrɪˌsɜrtʃər] noun [countable] Word forms researcher : singular researcher plural researchers someone who does research, especially someone who works for a television or film… …   English dictionary

  • researcher — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ experienced, leading, prominent, renowned ▪ chief, lead, senior ▪ young ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Researcher — Re|sear|cher [... sə:tʃə] der; s, <aus gleichbed. engl. researcher> jmd., der für die Markt u. Meinungsforschung Untersuchungen durchführt (Soziol.) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • researcher — /rɪ sɜ:tʃə/ noun a person who carries out research ● Government statistics are a useful source of information for the desk researcher …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • researcher — /rɪ sɜ:tʃə/ noun a person who carries out research ● Government statistics are a useful source of information for the desk researcher …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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