- skråne
- skrå|nevb., -r, -de, -t; grunden skråner ned mod stranden
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Список российских альтернативных рок-групп — Это служебный список статей, созданный для координации работ по развитию темы. Данное предупреждение не устанавливается на информационные списки и глоссарии … Википедия
Shreenan — Recorded in over twenty spelling forms all very rare, and including Sreeane, Sreenan, Skrane, Shrehan, Shreenan, and many others, this is a Gaelic surname. It is almost certainly Irish being originally recorded it is said, as O Sriarain, which… … Surnames reference
Sreenan — Recorded in over twenty spelling forms all very rare, and including Sreeane, Sreenan, Skrane, Shrehan, Shreenan, and many others, this is a Gaelic surname. It is almost certainly Irish being originally recorded it is said, as O Sriarain, which… … Surnames reference
hælde — I hæl|de 1. hæl|de vb., r, de, t (stå skråt, skråne; læne sig) II hæl|de 2. hæl|de vb., r, hældte, hældt (skænke, lade strømme) … Dansk ordbog
Thräne — 1. Das sind verlorene Thränen, wenn ein Herr will, und ein Knecht weint. 2. Die heftigsten Thränen trocknen wieder. Böhm.: Slza vysychá. (Čelakovsky, 195.) Engl.: Nothing dries sooner than teurs. (Bohn II, 136.) It.: Niente piu tosto se secca che … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon