
vb., -r, -de, -t (LINGVISTIK tilføje et suffiks)

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  • Suffix — Nachsilbe; Endsilbe * * * Sụf|fix 〈n. 11〉 = Nachsilbe; → Lexikon der Sprachlehre [<lat. suffixus „angeheftet“] * * * Sụf|fix [lat. suffigere, suffixum = an , aufheften, anschlagen], das; es, e: in der chem. Nomenklatur Sammelbez. für… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Soffitte — Sof|fịt|te 〈f. 19〉 1. Dekorationsteil oberhalb der Bühne zum Abschluss des Bühnenbildes nach oben 2. zum Anbringen hinter Abdeckungen geeignete, langgestreckte Glühlampe mit Stromanschlüssen an beiden Enden [<frz. soffite <ital. soffitto… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • SOFFITE — Terme d’architecture qui désigne le lit inférieur d’un élément en surplomb. Dans les édifices grecs, on rencontre des soffites aux architraves des colonnades, aux linteaux des portes et des baies et sur les larmiers qui couronnent les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • СУФФИКС — (лат. suffixum, от suffigere прибавить). Слог, прибавляемый в средине слова и придающий ему значение той или другой части речи, или некоторых иных этимологич. форм, в отличие от флексий окончаний склонений и спряжений. Словарь иностранных слов,… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • suffigieren — ableiten; derivieren * * * suf|fi|gie|ren 〈V. tr.; hat; Sprachw.〉 ein Wort suffigieren mit einem Suffix versehen [<lat. suffigere „anheften“] * * * suf|fi|gie|ren <sw. V.; hat [lat. suffigere, eigtl. = unten anheften, zu: sub = unten u.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Soffit — Sof fit, n. [It. soffitta, soffitto, fr. soffiggere to hide, properly, to fix or fasten under, L. suffigere to fasten beneath or below; sub under, beneath + figere to fix, faste: cf. F. soffite.] (Arch.) The under side of the subordinate parts… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Suffix — Suf fix, n. [L. suffixus, p. p. of suffigere to fasten on, to affix; sub under + figere to fix: cf. F. suffixe. See {Fix}.] 1. A letter, letters, syllable, or syllables added or appended to the end of a word or a root to modify the meaning; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • soffit — noun Etymology: French soffite, from Italian soffitto, from Vulgar Latin *suffictus, past participle of Latin suffigere to fasten underneath more at suffix Date: 1592 the underside of a part or member of a building (as of an overhang or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • suffix — I. noun Etymology: New Latin suffixum, from Latin, neuter of suffixus, past participle of suffigere to fasten underneath, from sub + figere to fasten more at fix Date: 1778 an affix occurring at the end of a word, base, or phrase compare prefix • …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Soffit — (from French soffite , Italian soffitto , formed as a ceiling; directly from suffictus for suffixus , Latin suffigere , to fix underneath), in architecture, describes the underside of any construction element. Examples of soffits include: * the… …   Wikipedia

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