
sb., -en, -e, -ene

Dansk ordbog. 2015.

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  • blår — sb., et, blår, ene (materiale af hør og hamp); stikke nogen blår i øjnene (narre nogen) …   Dansk ordbog

  • blar — blar·ney; …   English syllables

  • Blar — * Er hat die Blar.1 – Moscherosch, 171. 1) Ob Blär = ulcus (»Säuberet die wüsten, stinkenden Blär oder Schäden«) auch Pler = entzündete Stelle, wo sich ein Geschwür oder Abscess bildet, niederl. = blaar, Blatter; oder Blar = ploratus, ist wol… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • blar´ney|er — blar|ney «BLAHR nee», noun, verb, neyed, ney|ing. –n. flattering or coaxing talk: »I want none of your blarney! –v.t., v.i. to flatter; coax. ╂[< Blarney Stone] –blar´ney|er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • blar|ney — «BLAHR nee», noun, verb, neyed, ney|ing. –n. flattering or coaxing talk: »I want none of your blarney! –v.t., v.i. to flatter; coax. ╂[< Blarney Stone] –blar´ney|er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • blar·ney — /ˈblɑɚni/ noun [noncount] informal : talk that is not true but that is nice and somewhat funny and that may be used to trick you She was charmed by his blarney. a tale with more than a hint of blarney …   Useful english dictionary

  • Albert Blar — Albert Blar, genannt Brudzewski Albert Blar von Brudzewo (poln. Wojciech Brudzewski, lat. de Brudzewo) (* 1445 in Brudzewo bei Kalisz; † 1497 in Vilnius) war polnischer Astronom und Mathematiker …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Battle of Blar-na-Pairc — The Battle of Blar na Pairc was a Scottish clan battle that took place in 1477, near Strathpeffer, in the Scottish Highlands, between men of the Clan Donald or MacDonald and the Clan Mackenzie. The chief of Clan Donald, Lord of the Isles had… …   Wikipedia

  • Sgeir Blàr nan Each — Treshnish Isles Treshnish Isles Géographie Pays  Royaume Uni Localisation Mer des Hébrides (océan Atlantique) C …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Domhnall Dubh — Blar Na Pairce (1491) – Raid on Ross (1491) – Drumchatt (1497) – Cairnburgh Castle (1504) – Achnashellach (1505) Domhnall Dubh (died 1545) was a Scottish nob …   Wikipedia

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