- grif
- grifsb., -fen, -fer, -ferne (et fabeldyr)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Grif — (Grenoble Interactive Formatter) était un logiciel d édition WYSIWYG et visualisation de documents structurés conformes à la norme SGML. Logo de GRIF La technologie dont est issu Grif a été initialement développée au début des années 1980 à l… … Wikipédia en Français
grif — grif·fin·age; grif·fith·ite; grif·fo·nage; grif·fonne; grif·fin; grif·fon; … English syllables
grif — GRÍF elem. enigmă . (< fr. griphe, cf. gr. griphos) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN grif ( fi), s.m. – Măsură veche, valorînd 1/16 dintr un cot, adică 41,5 mm. în Munt. şi 40 mm. în Mold. – var. gref. săs. Griff (Lacea, Dacor.,… … Dicționar Român
grif — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
Grif — infobox RvB character name=Grif caption=Grif as seen using and Halo 2 game engines respectively. fullname=Dexter Grif affiliation=Red color=Orange first appearance=1 voice actor=Geoff Ramsey Dexter Grif, formerly a staff sergeant and before that … Wikipedia
grif — grȉf1 m <N mn grìfovi> DEFINICIJA reg. zahvat (potreban za neku radnju da se što podigne, okrene, u borbi) FRAZEOLOGIJA ispasti iz grifa izgubiti spretnost za što, opr. ući u grif steći spretnost za što ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Griff … Hrvatski jezični portal
grif|fin — grif|fin1 «GRIHF uhn», noun. Greek Mythology. a creature with the head, wings, and forelegs of an eagle, and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. Also, griffon, gryphon. ╂[< Old French grifon < grif, learned borrowing from Latin gr ,… … Useful english dictionary
grif|fon — grif|fon1 «GRIHF uhn», noun. 1. = griffin1. (Cf. ↑griffin) 2. Also, griffon vulture. a very large vulture of Asia, southern Europe and Africa. ╂[perhaps < Old French griffon a bird of prey, earlier, griffin; see griffin1 (Cf. ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Grif Skerry — is an islet to the east of Whalsay in the Shetland Islands. Its name comes from the Norse or Norn for deep sea skerry Haswell Smith, Hamish. (2004) The Scottish Islands. Edinburgh. Canongate.] The island is uninhabited, although there are some… … Wikipedia
grif|fin|age — «GRIHF uh nihj», noun. the state of being a griffin, or newcomer to India … Useful english dictionary