- niqab
- ni|qabsb., -ben, -ber, -berne (et slør der dækker en del af ansigtet)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Niqab — in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten Der Niqab (arabisch نقاب, DMG niqāb; türkisch peçe) ist ein Gesichtsschleier, der von einigen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Niqāb — Part of a series on Islamic culture Architecture … Wikipedia
Niqab — Femme au Yémen portant le niqab. Le niqab est un voile couvrant le visage à l exception des yeux. Il est porté par certaines musulmanes, en tant que prolongement vestimentaire du hijab, principalement au Moyen Orient, en Asie du Sud Est, en… … Wikipédia en Français
niqab — noun a face veil covering the lower part of the face (up to the eyes) worn by observant Muslim women • Hypernyms: ↑face veil * * * niqab 8 [niqab] [nɪˈkɑːb] [nɪˈkɑːb] noun a piece of cloth that covers the f … Useful english dictionary
niqab — [nɪ kα:b] noun a veil worn by some Muslim women, covering all of the face and having two holes for the eyes. Origin Arab. niqāb … English new terms dictionary
niqab — {{#}}{{LM N46649}}{{〓}} {{[}}niqab{{]}} {{■}}(ár.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} → {{↑}}nicab{{↓}}. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [nikáb]. {{★}}{{\}}ORTOGRAFÍA:{{/}} Por ser un extranjerismo debe escribirse con cursiva u otra diferenciación gráfica … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
niqab — is. <ər.> 1. Duvaq, üz örtüsü. Niqab çəkib məndən yaşınma, zalım; Pərişan olubdur mənim əhvalım. M. P. V.. . . Bu halda üçüncü qapıdan çıxmış padşahın qızı üzünün niqabını atır. Ə. H.. 2. Keçmişdə döyüşçülərin, cəngavərlərin tanınmamaq və… … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
Niqāb in Egypt — In a predominantly Muslim society, as many as 90% of women in Egypt have adopted a form of veiling.[1] A majority of Egyptian women cover at least their hair with the hijab. A hijab refers to a head covering that is worn by Muslim women. Although … Wikipedia
niqab — noun /nɪˈkɑːb/ A veil which covers the face, worn by some Muslim women as a part of sartorial hijab … Wiktionary
niqab — /ˈnikæb/ (say neekab) noun a veil covering the face, worn by some Muslim women attached to the hijab as part of the burqa. Also, niquab. {Arabic} …