- rawlplug
- rawl|plugrawl|plug ® sb., -gen, -s, -gene (lille rørstykke til fastholdelse af en skrue)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Rawlplug® — /rölˈplug/ noun A tubular plug for fixing screws, etc in masonry ORIGIN: Manufacturers name … Useful english dictionary
rawlplug — /ˈrɔlplʌg / (say rawlplug) noun a small drilled plug (def. 2) inserted into a hole in a wall as a fixing for a nail or screw. {trademark} …
Rawlplug Ltd. — Rawlplug Ltd. is a British engineering company. It is named after Rawlplug , a tradename it owns, which has become genericised in the UK as a name for wall plugs. The rawlplug product was invented by John Joseph Rawlings in 1911. Rawlplug history … Wikipedia
Rawlplug{™} — n a British make of small hollow plastic tube that can be placed into a hole to allow a screw to be fixed firmly in position, e.g. in a wall. * * * … Universalium
Rawlplug — n. (British) trademark of a thin plastic sheath inserted into a hole in stonework to hold a screw … English contemporary dictionary
Rawlplug — [ rɔ:lplʌg] noun Brit. trademark a thin plastic or fibre sheath that is inserted into a hole in masonry in order to hold a screw. Origin early 20th cent.: from Rawlings (the engineers who introduced it) + plug … English new terms dictionary
Rawlplug — n. propr. a thin cylindrical plug for holding a screw or nail in masonry. Etymology: Rawlings, name of the engineers who introduced it … Useful english dictionary
Rawlplug™ — … Useful english dictionary
Wall plug — A wall plug or Rawlplug trade; is a type of used in building. It allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls.There are many forms of wall plug, but the most common principle is to use a tapered tube of soft material, such as plastic. This is… … Wikipedia
John Joseph Rawlings — was a British engineer and inventor of the wall plug, also known from his name as the rawlplug . He invented in around 1910/1911, filled a patent in 1911, trademarked the rawlplug name in 1912 and was granted the patent in 1913. In 1919 his… … Wikipedia