
sb., -en, -e, -ne, i sms. rocker-, fx rockerbande

Dansk ordbog. 2015.

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  • Rocker — bezeichnet im deutschsprachigen Raum die Mitglieder einer ursprünglich aus den USA stammenden, motorradfahrenden Subkultur, welche sich oft in Motorradclubs, sogenannten Motorcycle Clubs (kurz MCs), organisieren. Auch Motorradfahrer, die nicht in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rocker — may refer to: *Rocker (subculture), a British subculture based around motorcycles *Rocker, a person who listens to or makes rock and roll or rock music * Rocker turn, in figure skating * Rocker, a type of furniture, such as a chair or cradle with …   Wikipedia

  • Röcker — bezeichnet eine Fabrik zur Herstellung von Nägeln in Löchgau, siehe Röcker (Unternehmen) Röcker ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Benedikt Röcker (* 1989), deutscher Fußballspieler Joachim Röcker (* 1922), deutscher Schauspieler,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ROCKER — ROCKER, U.S. family in Cleveland. SAMUEL ROCKER (1864–1936), who was born in Goerlitz, Austria, emigrated to the United States in 1891. Five years later he founded the Jewish Star, a Yiddish newspaper, in Cleveland and in 1908 he founded the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Rocker — Rock er, n. 1. One who rocks; specifically, one who rocks a cradle. [1913 Webster] It was I, sir, said the rocker, who had the honor, some thirty years since, to attend on your highness in your infancy. Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. One of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rocker — [RÓCĂR] s. m. 1. cântăreţ de rock. 2. tânăr pasionat de rock. (< engl. rocker) Trimis de raduborza, 24.05.2008. Sursa: MDN  rócker (angl.) [pron. rócăr] (ro cker) s. m., pl. róckeri Trimis de gall, 24.05.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 …   Dicționar Român

  • rocker — ► NOUN 1) a person who performs, dances to, or enjoys rock music. 2) Brit. a young person, especially in the 1960s, belonging to a subculture characterized by leather clothing, riding motorcycles, and a liking for rock music. 3) a rocking chair.… …   English terms dictionary

  • rocker — (n.) a rocking chair, 1852, American English, from ROCK (Cf. rock) (v.); earlier nurse charged with rocking a cradle (c.1400). In sense of one of the curved pieces of wood that makes a chair or cradle rock it dates from 1787. Slang off (one s)… …   Etymology dictionary

  • rocker — [räk′ər] n. 1. a person who rocks a cradle, etc. 2. either of the curved pieces on the bottom of a cradle, rocking chair, etc. ☆ 3. ROCKING CHAIR 4. a cradle for washing sand or gravel in gold mining 5. a small steel plate with a toothed and… …   English World dictionary

  • Rocker — 1.Protestler,Halbstarker 2.Rockmusiker …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • rocker — / rɑkə/, it. / rɔker/ s. ingl. [der. di rock (and roll )], usato in ital. al masch. e al femm. (mus.) [chi esegue o compone musica rock ] ▶◀ [anche spreg.] rockettaro, [particolarmente famoso] rockstar …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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