- shibbolet
- shib|bo|letsb., -(t)et, -(t)er, -(t)erne (udtryk som kun indfødte sprogbrugere kan udtale rigtigt; løsen)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Shibbolet — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
FIVE SPECIES — FIVE SPECIES, the varieties of seed to which the halakhot concerning the agricultural produce of Ereẓ Israel apply. The Mishnah lists the five species as ḥittim, se orim, kusmin, shibbolet shu al, and shippon (Ḥal. 1:1). They are known in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Music of Israel — … Wikipedia
Matzo — Hand baked shmurah matzo Machine made matzo Matzo o … Wikipedia
Kitniyot — Kitniyot, qit niyyoth ( he. קִטְנִיּוֹת ,קטניות , קיטניות) (literally little things ) are a category of foods defined by Jewish law and tradition which Ashkenazi Jews (Jews from Eastern Europe, Germany, etc.) refrain from eating during the… … Wikipedia
List of English words of Hebrew origin — This is a list of English words of Hebrew origin. Transliterated pronunciations follow Sephardic/Modern Israeli pronunciations as opposed to Ashkenazi pronunciations, with the major difference being that the letter tav (ת) is transliterated as a… … Wikipedia
Chametz — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Piano trio repertoire — Among the fairly large repertoire for the standard piano trio (violin, cello, and piano) are the following works:Ordering is by surname of composer.Piano Trio Repertoire Violin, Cello and Piano A* Lev Abeliovich ** Piano Trio (1955) *Franghiz Ali … Wikipedia
Chavouot — Tu apporteras les prémices nouvelles de ta terre dans la maison de YHWH ton Dieu (Exode 34:26) On n’apporte de prémices que parmi les sept espèces (Mishna Bikkourim 1:3) … Wikipédia en Français
Hebreu biblique — Hébreu biblique L hébreu biblique (appelé en hébreu עברית מקראית Ivrit miqra it, עברית תנכי ת, Ivrit tanakhit ou לשון המקרא Lashon HaMiqra) est un ensemble de dialectes archaïques dans lesquels ont été rédigés de nombreux documents, dont le plus… … Wikipédia en Français