
vb., -r, -de, -t (justere, forbedre; klippe)

Dansk ordbog. 2015.

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  • Trimme — It is considered that Trim is a metonymic form of the medieval job descriptive Trymmare , now found in the surname Trimmer . It would seem that the derivation is from the Olde English pre 8th century trymman which translates as to strengthen , a… …   Surnames reference

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  • Trim — It is considered that Trim is a metonymic form of the medieval job descriptive Trymmare , now found in the surname Trimmer . It would seem that the derivation is from the Olde English pre 8th century trymman which translates as to strengthen , a… …   Surnames reference

  • Trime — It is considered that Trim is a metonymic form of the medieval job descriptive Trymmare , now found in the surname Trimmer . It would seem that the derivation is from the Olde English pre 8th century trymman which translates as to strengthen , a… …   Surnames reference

  • Tryme — It is considered that Trim is a metonymic form of the medieval job descriptive Trymmare , now found in the surname Trimmer . It would seem that the derivation is from the Olde English pre 8th century trymman which translates as to strengthen , a… …   Surnames reference

  • Trymme — It is considered that Trim is a metonymic form of the medieval job descriptive Trymmare , now found in the surname Trimmer . It would seem that the derivation is from the Olde English pre 8th century trymman which translates as to strengthen , a… …   Surnames reference

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