- uår
- u|årsb., -et, uår, -ene (år præget af ulykker)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Uar — Uar, Zh cp|c=滑|p=Huá (for Chinese etymology see Huá (滑)), was the self designation used by the dominant ethnicity in a confederation known to the Chinese as the Yanda (嚈噠) and to the west as the Hephthalites. It was the largest of one of the… … Wikipedia
UAR — abbr. United Arab Republic. * * * … Universalium
-uar — Terminación de verbos de la 1.ª conjugación derivados de nombres o adjetivos en «o»: ‘Acentuar. Graduar’ … Enciclopedia Universal
UAR — (United Arab Republic) n. former republic (1958 1961) in northeast Africa representing the union of Egypt and Syria; Egypt s official name during the years 1961 1971 … English contemporary dictionary
UAR — Fédération argentine de rugby à XV La Fédération argentine de rugby à XV (Unión Argentina de Rugby, UAR) est l organe dirigeant le rugby à XV argentin; elle est fondée en 1899. Elle a la charge d organiser et de développer le rugby à XV en… … Wikipédia en Français
uar — jag·uar; … English syllables
UAR — abbrev Formerly, United Arab Republic * * * U.A.R. or UAR (no periods), United Arab Republic … Useful english dictionary
UAR (disambiguation) — UAR may refer to: * United Arab Republic, the state formed by the union of the republics of Egypt and Syria in 1958. It existed until Syria s secession in 1961, although Egypt continued to be known as the UAR until 1971. *The United American… … Wikipedia
UAR — unconventional assisted recovery … Military dictionary
UAR — abbreviation United Arab Republic … New Collegiate Dictionary