- conga
- con|gasb., -en, -er el. -s, -erne (en tromme)
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
Dansk ordbog. 2015.
conga — conga … Dictionnaire des rimes
Conga — (span.) (Plural Congas) steht für: Conga (Trommel), eine Handtrommel Conga (Volkstanz), einen kubanischen Volkstanz im 4/4 Takt Conga (Karnevalsrhythmus), einen kubanischen Karnevalsrhythmus Conga (Software), ein Verwaltungswerkzeug für Multi… … Deutsch Wikipedia
conga — CÓNGA s.f. 1. Dans cu ritm sincopat, inspirat din folclorul afro cubanez. 2. Tobă de formă lungă, subţiată la extremitatea inferioară, acţionată cu degetele şi cu podul palmei. – Din fr. conga. Trimis de tavilis, 24.05.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 cónga … Dicționar Român
conga — [ kɔ̃ga ] n. f. • v. 1937; mot esp. des Antilles 1 ♦ Danse cubaine d origine africaine à quatre temps, avec trois pas rectilignes et le quatrième en diagonale. 2 ♦ Tambour allongé aux sonorités sourdes, d origine cubaine. ● conga nom féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
conga — n. 1. music composed for dancing the conga. [WordNet 1.5] 2. a Latin American dance of 3 steps and a kick by people in single file. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conga — (izg. kȏnga) ž DEFINICIJA glazb. 1. narodni ples s Kube, vrlo brzog tempa, nastao na osnovi afričkih ritmova uz bubnjeve i kontrabas; poč. 20. st. proširio se u SAD, kasnije i u Europi 2. glazba za taj ples SINTAGMA conga drum (izg. conga drȁm)… … Hrvatski jezični portal
conga — sustantivo femenino 1. Composición musical cubana de origen africano: La conga tiene un ritmo vivo. 2. Baile al compás de este ritmo, en el que los bailarines se colocan en fila agarrados por la cintura: Nos divierte bailar la conga … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
conga — [käŋ′gə] n. [AmSp (danza)Conga, Congo (dance) < Sp Congo,CONGO: from the assumed Afr orig. of the dance] 1. a Latin American dance of African origin with a repeated pattern of three steps followed by a kick: the dancers typically form a… … English World dictionary
conga — [ко/нга] conga drum англ. [ко/нга драм] Congatrommel нем. [ко/нгатроммэль] конга, ударн. инструм. лат. амер. происхожд … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
conga — ► NOUN 1) a Latin American dance of African origin, performed by people in single file and consisting of three steps forward followed by a kick. 2) (also conga drum) a tall, narrow drum beaten with the hands. ORIGIN Spanish, from congo Congolese … English terms dictionary
CONGA — Indiae intra Gangem oppid. Ptol … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale